Olly Murs - Moves [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Olly Murs
Album: You Know I Know
Data wydania: 2018-09-28
Producent: Steve Mac
Tekst: Ammar Malik, Snoop Dogg, Ed Sheeran

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Snoop Dogg]
Olly Murs
Big Snoop Dogg
You know we 'bout to make moves, ya dig?

[Verse 1: Olly Murs]
I walk in the club like a million bucks
First I hit the bar for a couple of shots
We got the beautiful women, I think I’m makin' 'em blush
Then I spill my drink tryna cover it up
Got those dad dance moves, they ain't ready for 'em
Got the bad man groove, go steady on them
Hey señorita in her beautiful dress
Do you wanna dance? She's tellin' me "yes

[Pre-Chorus: Olly Murs]
I got confidence in myself
But that's just Tequila giving me help
Tryna cover it up, so you never tell
I feel like dancin' with you

[Chorus: Olly Murs]
It's your moves, baby
'Cause I can't dance in the way that you do
But I got that love that you ain't used to, hey
And when the DJ's spinnin' that song that we groove to
Oh my, come and teach me how to dance

[Verse 2: Olly Murs]
Slow down!
DJ, play that track
Check out my kung-fu kicks, like I'm under attack
I wave my arms like this from front to back
Bet you never seen a bad mother dance like that
Then you're backing me in with a kiss on the lips
Jump into the middle, come and wiggle your hips
My love, take my hand, I'll give you a spin
Step once, step twice, let the party begin

[Pre-Chorus: Olly Murs]
I got confidence in myself
But that's just Tequila giving me help
Tryna cover it up, so you never tell
I feel like dancin' with you

[Chorus: Olly Murs & (Snoop Dogg)]
It's your moves, baby
'Cause I can't dance in the way that you do (Yeah)
But I got that love that you ain't used to, hey
And when the DJ's spinnin' that song that we groove to
Oh my, come and teach me how to dance

[Verse 3: Snoop Dogg]
Dance to the rhythm of the D.O. dub, G and a thug
Watch how I be in the club
Lookin', starin', darin', comparin'
In my book, they say sharin' is carin'
So give me a taste (Haha)
And make your hips just dip to the bass
And watch me run the line
See what I come to find?

[Chorus: Olly Murs & Snoop Dogg]
It's your moves, baby (Ya dig?)
'Cause I can't dance in the way that you do (Yeah)
But I got that love that you ain't used to (Ha ha), hey (Snoop!)
And when the DJ spinnin' that song that we groove to
Oh my, come and teach me how to dance
It's your moves, baby (Dance to the rhythm of the D.O. dub)
'Cause I can't dance in the way that you do (In my book, they say sharin' is carin')
But I got that love that you ain't used to (Dance to the rhythm of the D.O. dub)
And when the DJ spinnin' that song that we groove to
(You know we about to make moves)
Oh my, come and teach me how to dance (Ya dig?)

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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