The infinite source - Nightcrawler vs Nightwing [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: The infinite source
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1: Nightcrawler]
It's the ruler of the night
Shadow of the Marvel universe
So try to keep up
While I'm teleporting through this verse
A mutant
So I'm working with superhuman agility
While swinging on a rope is the greatest of your abilities
Wait, you used to be a bird, right?
Ah, how very masculine
Ashamed of your identity, though, judging from the mask you're in
A wannabe Spiderman
But you're simply Dick
A little lost puppy
I'll call you the "Nightbitch"

[Verse 2: Nightwing]
Alright, first thing's first, Kurt
Man to "X-man"
You're mouthing off to Grayson, I'll give you the backhand
You're calling me a puppy, but you're the one with paws
Are you related to the flying monkeys from "Wizard of Oz"?
I don't just swing on ropes
Nah, I'm highly acrobatic
Your teleporting style is nothing more than sporadic
Someone get this cat a sandwich
He's looking paper thin
They put a DC heavy hitter VS a Marvel slimjim

[Verse 3: Nightcrawler]
Hail Mary, full of grace
But I must smite this heathen
I tried to turn the other cheek, but he's given me a reason
I see the bleakness and and murder's my weakness
Prepare yourself, Robin
It's bird hunting season
But I guess it's far too late for preparations
Since someone already killed off the other Flying Graysons
Last thing you'll see is yellow
Look deep into my isis
I represent your true Infinite Crisis

[Verse 4: Nightwing]
(Look) Robin died long ago, along with my patience
I'll freestyle your death
I don't need no preparations
You'll always be a circus clown
A blue jack in the box
And you're a true "X-man"
They cut off your blue rocks
All jokes aside, though, I bet it's got you feeling flat
Don't worry, I'll satisfy Marvel Girl and Shadowcat
Calling me a bird, but you're the one singing swan songs
Crawl back into the sewer you undoubtedly came from

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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