A-Game - Chasing Dreams [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: A-Game
Album: The Graveyard Shift
Data wydania: 2013-06-25
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Smoke

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Tekst piosenki

[Intro] (Lil G)
Yeah, it's called Chasing Dreams, don't ever give up on it!
If you got a dream, go out there and get it
Look - this is what we bout to do
I got A-Game
And you know who it is

[Verse 1] (Lil G)
Chasing my dreams, but I still haven't caught it yet
Waking up in my bed drowning in a cold sweat
Letting it get away from me is something that I will regret
Gonna get it at 100, that's a guaranteed bet
Know I'm staying on my grind, trying to live that street dream
Been through a lot, a couple people know what I mean
Life is like a game, that's really how it always seems to be
Closing my eyes is the only way I'll get free
There's a lot about it that I know I'm gonna have to change
Getting it all at a distance, but a great range
Trying to take it from me, that's a difficult exchange
Cause I'm getting closer to it and it's starting to feel strange
In my dream the devil tried making me a solid deal
I'm a do it on my own and do what's best and stay real
Never will I ever bow down or ever start to kneel
Having my soul is something that you definitely couldn't steal

[Hook] (A-Game & Lil G)
Ayo, all I'm trying to do is catch all my dreams
I'm waking in the night hearing all these screams
I never thought chasing could go so wrong
Don't ever get weak, always gotta stay strong (x2)

[Verse 2] (A-Game)
I gotta stay strong like I'm benching three fifty
With one hand like fuck it, this really ain't a biggie
I'm coming with a verse that can be so uplifting
I'm spitting a sixteen, rip it to pieces itty bitty
I'm chilling with Gibby, but y'all know him as Lil G
But he ain't so little, he's far from a mini-me
I spit a verse and get addicted like it's nicotine
I bring my A-Game, so I'll be damned if you belittle me
I chase my dreams like the cops chasing fugitives
If you think that I'm a stop? You must be fuckin' stupid bitch
Can't put out my fire if you had a spray of coolant, bitch
I'm a be the one to put a flame under the music biz's
Anus - A-Game's gon' be the one on your playlist
I plan to make a buzz, even if I don't get famous
But I wouldn't mind if I became a household name
I dream so big I put the universe to shame, let's go

[Hook] (A-Game & Lil G)
Ayo, all I'm trying to do is catch all my dreams
I'm waking in the night hearing all these screams
I never thought chasing could go so wrong
Don't ever get weak, always gotta stay strong (x2)

[Verse 3] (Lil G)
I'm getting closer and closer, acting like I got 'em
But they keep switching on me like Summer into Autumn
See the thing is, no one can get close enough to stop 'em
Going 100 percent cause failure does not seem to be an option
My mind is a maze, and I'm stuck in a trap
I take 5 steps forward hesitating to look back
If you don't understand, just rewind this track
Cause everything I wrote I prove in all these facts
Like nothing lasts forever, yeah most of y'all don't get that
I been that, don't wanna see it shatter so just stand back
Breaks like standing on the ground it's already been cracked
One big fumble like your all-time quarterback
Would be good if you knew what I mean
Like waking in the night hearing all these screams
Only if fantasy was as great as it seems
But I'll let you know when I catch all of my dreams, look

[Hook] (A-Game & Lil G)
Ayo, all I'm trying to do is catch all my dreams
I'm waking in the night hearing all these screams
I never thought chasing could go so wrong
Don't ever get weak, always gotta stay strong (x2)

[Verse 4] (A-Game)
I dream while I'm awake, like I'm smoking DMT
And I keep dreaming on that I'll blow like TNT
It's just a matter of time, a matter of rhymes
A matter of fighting for what I wanna be in my life
So keep your head up, never let up if you fall down, then get up
And never succumb into pressure, vendettas, forget 'em
Fuck it, if you need to, take the ties with the haters and sever
And the negative bitches who trying to cloud your good weather
My dreams stay strong, Freddy Krueger couldn't fuck with them
I be on that grown shit, ain't trying to hear nothing, man!
I walk my own path, and I cut my own grass
So stay on your own lawn, you don't get a free pass
To just criticize every fucking thing I do
I'm a wild animal who just broke out the Zoo
Bird ain't on this track, but I still got a Skrewz Loose
My rhymes puncture like a deuce-deuce, I hope you're bulletproof

[Hook] (A-Game & Lil G)
Ayo, all I'm trying to do is catch all my dreams
I'm waking in the night hearing all these screams
I never thought chasing could go so wrong
Don't ever get weak, always gotta stay strong (x2)

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Jeśli znasz język na tyle, aby móc swobodnie przetłumaczyć ten tekst, zrób to i dołóż swoją cegiełkę do opisu tej piosenki. Po sprawdzeniu tłumaczenia przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy je jako oficjalne tłumaczenie utworu!

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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