A-Game - Lose It [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: A-Game
Album: The Graveyard Shift
Data wydania: 2013-06-25
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Bobby Ruckuss

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Tekst piosenki

[Hook] (A-Game)
Bitch we Lose It, yup it's party time
All these people get buck when I spit a rhyme
Just like a gun, bitch because we spit a ton
Better run, bite your tongue, or you'll have to pick a lung
Always sprung for the violence we do this for fun
Getting numb, start to succumb, understand that we gruesome
So go and Lose It just like a pair of car keys
Hard beats spittin dope, asking "where the parties"

[Verse 1] (C2)
Take out the seeds and roll up a fat one
So what we get high? We just trying to have fun
Smoke coming out the blunt like I just popped a gun
Be high in the cut, in the booth acting dumb
C2 in this bitch, and I'm second to none
You wanna run your damn mouth down in the 941
That will be the last you say, like you holding your tongue
Masked Villin, Zoo Crew, and we hotter than the sun
And them diamonds in my ear weigh more than a ton
A chunk up off my neck, I just went and cashed a check
So fuck with your boy, C2 I am a vet
Come straight to the top of the game that is a bet
Masked Villin hold it down like the seatbelts in a jet
Catch me in the studio, I do what I do
C2 in this bitch and I'm sicker than the flu
Free both of my niggas: Mike 3 and Ant too, hah!

[Hook] (A-Game)
Bitch we Lose It, yup it's party time
All these people get buck when I spit a rhyme
Just like a gun, bitch because we spit a ton
Better run, bite your tongue, or you'll have to pick a lung
Always sprung for the violence we do this for fun
Getting numb, start to succumb, understand that we gruesome
So go and Lose It just like a pair of car keys
Hard beats spittin dope, asking "where the parties"

[Verse 2] (A-Game)
Now I ain't one to chief a lot of pot or one to drink a lot of shots
But I'll fuck the club up and get a lot of bitches mollywhopped
So don't make me get horrorcore making all of the bodies drop
"Sir, are you gonna stop attacking me?!" Hah, probably not
Now I'm not YC, but I got racks on racks
That I'm spending in the club on an ass so fat
I got stacks on stacks of that cash on cash
While your ass looking fucked like your axle's cracked
Listen up, lil' fag! Me and C2 we shut 'em up
And if we can't shut 'em up, we then commence to fuck 'em up
Pay attention Powerpuff, you nothing but a Buttercup
That's pretty obvious, like 9/11 was a cover up
No shirt in the club, fuck a button up
We should change both our names to Ford, cause we built tough
We both badder than a kiddie saying curse words
But real talk, free my nigga on the first verse

[Hook] (A-Game)
Bitch we Lose It, yup it's party time
All these people get buck when I spit a rhyme
Just like a gun, bitch because we spit a ton
Better run, bite your tongue, or you'll have to pick a lung
Always sprung for the violence we do this for fun
Getting numb, start to succumb, understand that we gruesome
So go and Lose It just like a pair of car keys
Hard beats spittin dope, asking "where the parties"

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jej treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe.
Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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