Icelandic Saga - Burnt Njal --- (timeline) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Icelandic Saga
Album: The Saga of Burnt Njal
Gatunek: Poetry

Tekst piosenki


A.D. 850. Birth of Harold fairhair.
860. Harold fairhair comes to the throne.
870. Harold fairhair sole King in Norway.
871. Ingolf sets out for Iceland.
872. Battle of Hafrsfirth (Hafrsfjöðr).
874. Ingolf and Leif go to settle in Iceland.
877. Kettle hæng goes to Iceland.
880-884. Harold fairhair roots out the Vikings in the west.
888. Fall of Thorstein the red in Scotland.
890-900. Rush of settlers from the British Isles to Iceland.
892. Aud the deeply wealthy comes to Iceland.
900-920. The third period of the Landnámstide.
920. Harold fairhair shares the kingdom with his sons.
923. Hrut Hauskuld's brother born.
929. Althing established.
930. Hrafn Kettle hæng's son Speaker of the Law.
930-935. Njal born.
930. The Fleetlithe feud begins.
933. Death of Harold fairhair.
940. End of the Fleetlithe feud; Fiddle Mord a man of rank;
Hamond Gunnar's son marries Mord's sister Rannveiga.
941. Fall of King Eric Bloodaxe.
c. 945. Gunnar of Lithend born.
955-960. Njal's sons born.
959. Glum marries Hallgerda.
960. Fall of King Hacon; Athelstane's foster-child, Harold
Grayfell, King in Norway.
963. Hrut goes abroad.
965. Hrut returns to Iceland and marries Unna Mord's daughter.
968. Unna parts from Hrut.
969. Fiddle Mord and Hrut strive at the Althing; Fall of King
Harold Grayfell; Earl Hacon rules in Norway.
970-971. Fiddle Mord's death; Gunnar and Hrut strive at the Althing.
972. Gunnar of Lithend goes abroad.
974. Gunnar returns to Iceland.
974. Gunnar's marriage with Hallgerda.

975. The slaying of Swart.

976. The slaying of Kol.

977. The slaying of Atli.

978. The slaying of Brynjolf the unruly and Thord Freedmanson.

979. The slaying of Sigmund the white.

983. Hallgerda steals from Otkell at Kirkby.

984. The suit for the theft settled at the Althing.

985. Otkell rides over Gunnar in the spring; fight at Rangriver
just before the Althing; at the Althing Geir the priest
and Gunnar strive; in the autumn Hauskuld Dale-Kolli's
son, Gunnar's father-in-law, dies; birth of Hauskuld
Thrain's son.

986. The fight at Knafahills, and death of Hjort Gunnar's brother.

987. The suit for those slain at Knafahills settled at the Althing.

988. Gunnar goes west to visit Olaf the peacock.

989. Slaying of Thorgeir Otkell's son before, and banishment of
Gunnar at, the Althing; Njal's sons, Helgi and Grim,
and Thrain Sigfus' son, go abroad.

990. Gunnar slain at Lithend.

992. Thrain returns to Iceland with Hrapp; Njal's sons ill-treated
by Earl Hacon for his sake.

994. Njal's sons return to Iceland, bringing Kari with them.

995. Death of Earl Hacon; Olaf Tryggvi's son King of Norway.

996. Skarphedinn slays Thrain.

997. Thangbrand sent by King Olaf to preach Christianity in

998. Slaying of Arnor of Forswaterwood by Flosi's brothers at
Skaptarfells Thing; Thangbrand's missionary journey;
Gizur and Hjallti go abroad.

999. Hjallti Skeggi's son found guilty of blasphemy against the
Gods at the Althing; Thangbrand returns to Norway.

1000. Gizur and Hjallti return to Iceland; the Change of Faith
and Christianity brought into the law at the Althing on
St. John's day, 24th June; fall of King Olaf Tryggvi's
son at Svoldr, 9th September.

1001. Thorgeir the priest of Lightwater gives up the Speakership
of the Law.

1002. Grim of Mossfell Speaker of the Law.

1003. Grim lays down the Speakership.

1003 or 1004. Skapti Thorod's son Speaker of the Law; the Fifth Court
established; Hauskuld Thrain's son marries Hildigunna
Flosi's niece and has one of the new priesthoods at

1006. Duels abolished in legal matters; slaying of Hauskuld
Njal's son by Lyting and his brothers.

1009. Amund the blind slays Lyting; Valgard the guileful comes
back to Iceland; his evil counsel to Mord; Mord begins
to backbite and slander Hauskuld and Njal's sons to one

1111. Hauskald the Whiteness priest slain early in the spring;
suit for his manslaughter at the Althing; Njal's Burning
the autumn after.

1112. The suit for the Burning and battle at the Althing; Flosi
and the Burners banished; Kari and Thorgeir Craggeir
carry on the feud.

1113. Flosi goes abroad with the Burners, and Kari follows them;
Flosi and Kari in Orkney.

1114. Brian's battle on Good Friday; Flosi goes to Rome.

1115. Flosi returns from Rome to Norway, and stays with Earl
Eric, Earl Hacon's son.

1116. Flosi returns to Iceland; Kari goes to Rome and returns to
Caithness; his wife Helga dies out in Iceland.

1117. Kari returns to Iceland, id reconciled with Flosi,
and marries Hildigunna Hauskuld's widow.

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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