Icelandic Saga - Burnt Njal (table of contents) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Icelandic Saga
Album: The Saga of Burnt Njal
Gatunek: Poetry

Tekst piosenki



The Northmen in Iceland--Superstitions of the Race--Social
Principles--Daily Life in Njal's Time--Conclusion.

Icelandic Chronology


I. Of Fiddle Mord 1

II. Hrut Woos Unna 2

III. Hrut and Gunnhillda, Kings' Mother 4

IV. Of Hrut's Cruise 7

V. Atli Arnvid Son's Slaying 8

VI. Hrut Sails out to Iceland 10

VII. Unna separates from Hrut 13

VIII. Mord claims his Goods from Hrut 15

IX. Thorwald gets Hallgerda to Wife 17

X. Hallgerda's Wedding 19

XI. Thorwald's Slaying 20

XII. Thiostolf's Flight 22

XIII. Glum's Wooing 25

XIV. Glum's Wedding 28

XV. Thiostolf goes to Glum's House 29

XVI. Glum's Sheep Hunt 30

XVII. Glum's Slaying 31

XVIII. Fiddle Mord's Death 34

XIX. Gunnar comes into the Story 34

XX. Of Njal and His Children 35

XXI. Unna goes to See Gunnar 35

XXII. Njal's Advice 37

XXIII. Huckster Hedinn 39

XXIV. Gunnar and Hrut Strive at the Thing 42

XXV. Unna's Second Wedding 44

XXVI. Of Asgrim and his Children 45

XXVII. Helgi Njal's Son's Wooing 45

XXVIII. Hallvard comes out to Iceland 46

XXIX. Gunnar goes Abroad 47

XXX. Gunnar goes a-sea-roving 48

XXXI. Gunnar goes to King Harold Gorm's Son and Earl Hacon 52

XXXII. Gunnar comes out to Iceland 53

XXXIII. Gunnar's Wooing 54

XXXIV. Of Thrain Sigfus' Son 57

XXXV. The Visit to Bergthorsknoll 59

XXXVI. Kol Slew Swart 60

XXXVII. The Slaying of Kol, whom Atli Slew 63

XXXVIII. The Killing of Atli the Thrall 65

XXXIX. The Slaying of Brynjolf the Unruly 69

XL. Gunnar and Njal make Peace about Brynjolf's Slaying 70

XLI. Sigmund comes out to Iceland 71

XLII. The Slaying of Thord Freedmanson 73

XLIII. Njal and Gunnar make Peace for the Slaying of Thord 74

XLIV. Sigmund Mocks Njal and his Sons 76

XLV. The Slaying of Sigmund and Skiolld 79

XLVI. Of Gizur The White and Geir the Priest 82

XLVII. Of Otkell in Kirkby 83

XLVIII. How Hallgerda makes Malcolm Steal from Kirkby 85

XLIX. Of Skamkell's Evil Counsel 86

L. Of Skamkell's Lying 90

LI. Of Gunnar 92

LII. Of Runolf, the Son of Wolf Aurpriest 94

LIII. How Otkell Rode over Gunnar 95

LIV. The Fight at Rangriver 97

LV. Njal's Advice to Gunnar 99

LVI. Gunnar and Geir the Priest Strive at the Thing 101

LVII. Of Starkad and his Sons 104

LVIII. How Gunnar's Horse Fought 106

LIX. Of Asgrim and Wolf Uggis' Son 108

LX. An Attack against Gunnar agreed on 109

LXI. Gunnar's Dream 111

LXII. The Slaying of Hjort and Fourteen Men 112

LXIII. Njals Counsel to Gunnar 115

LXIV. Of Valgard and Mord 116

LXV. Of Fines and Atonements 118

LXVI. Of Thorgeir Otkell's Son 120

LXVII. Of Thorgeir Starkad's Son 121

LXVIII. Of Njal and those Namesakes 122

LXIX. Olaf the Peacock's Gifts to Gunnar 124

LXX. Mord's Counsel 126

LXXI. The Slaying of Thorgeir Otkell's Son 127

LXXII. Of the Suits for Manslaughter at the Thing 129

LXXIII. Of the Atonement 130

LXXIV. Kolskegg goes Abroad 132

LXXV. The Riding to Lithend 135

LXXVI. Gunnar's Slaying 135

LXXVII. Gunnar Sings a Song Dead 139

LXXVIII. Gunnar of Lithend Avenged 141

LXXIX. Hogni takes an Atonement for Gunnar's Death 143

LXXX. Of Kolskegg: How he was Baptised 143

LXXXI. Of Thrain: How he Slew Kol 144

LXXXII. Njal's Sons Sail Abroad 147

LXXXIII. Of Kari Solmund's Son 148

LXXXIV. Of Earl Sigurd 150

LXXXV. The Battle with the Earls 151

LXXXVI. Hrapp's Voyage from Iceland 152

LXXXVII. Thrain took to Hrapp 156

LXXXVIII. Earl Hacon Fights with Njal's Sons 162

LXXXIX. Njal's Sons and Kari come out to Iceland 165

XC. The Quarrel of Njal's Sons with Thrain Sigfus' Son 166

XCI. Thrain Sigfus' Son's Slaying 170

XCII. Kettle takes Hauskuld as his Foster-Son 175

XCIII. Njal takes Hauskuld to Foster 176

XCIV. Of Flosi Thord's Son 177

XXCV. Of Hall of the Side 177

XCVI. Of the Change of Faith 178

XCVII. Of Thangbrand's Journeys 179

XCVIII. Of Thangbrand and Gudleif 180

XCIX. Of Gest Oddleif's Son 183

C. Of Gizur the White and Hjallti 185

CI. Of Thorgeir of Lightwater 186

CII. The Wedding of Hauskuld, the Priest of Whiteness 187

CIII. The Slaying of Hauskuld Njal's Son 191

CIV. The Slaying of Lyting's Brothers 195

CV. Of Amund the Blind 197

CVI. Of Valgard the Guileful 198

CVII. Of Mord and Njal's Sons 199

CVIII. Of The Slander of Mord Valgard's Son 200

CIX. Of Mord and Njal's Sons 203

CX. The Slaying of Hauskuld, the Priest Whiteness 203

CXI. Of Hildigunna and Mord Valgard's Son 205

CXII. The Pedigree of Gudmund the Powerful 206

CXIII. Of Snorri the Priest and his Stock 207

CXIV. Of Flosi Thord's Son 207

CXV. Of Flosi and Hildigunna 209

CXVI. Of Flosi and Mord and the Sons of Sigfus 211

CXVII. Njal and Skarphedinn Talk Together 213

CXVIII. Asgrim and Njal's Sons pray Men for Help 214

CXIX. Of Skarphedinn and Thorkel Foulmouth 219

CXX. Of the Pleading of the Suit 221

CXXI. Of the Award of Atonement between Flosi and Njal 223

CXXII. Of the Judges 225

CXXIII. An Attack planned on Njal and his Sons 228

CXXIV. Of Portents 232

CXXV. Flosi's Journey from Home 232

CXXVI. Of Portents at Bergthorsknoll 233

CXXVII. The Onslaught on Bergthorsknoll 235

CXXVIII. Njal's Burning 237

CXXIX. Skarphedinn's Death 241

CXXX. Of Kari Solmund's Son 245

CXXXI. Njal's and Bergthora's Bones Found 248

CXXXII. Flosi's Dream 251

CXXXIII. Of Flosi's Journey and his Asking for Help 252

CXXXIV. Of Thorhall and Kari 256

CXXXV. Of Flosi and the Burners 260

CXXXVI. Of Thorgeir Craggeir 262

CXXXVII. Of Eyjolf Bolverk's Son 262

CXXXVIII. Of Asgrim, and Gizur, and Kari 267

CXXXIX. Of Asgrim and Gudmund 270

CXL. Of the Declarations of the Suits 271

CXLI. Now Men go to the Courts 274

CXLII. Of Eyjolf Bolverk's Son 284

CXLIII. The Counsel of Thorhall Asgrim's Son 285

CXLIV. Battle at the Althing 290

CXLV. Of Kari and Thorgeir 299

CXLVI. The Award of Atonement with Thorgeir Craggeir 303

CXLVII. Kari comes to Bjorn's House in the Mark 305

CXLVIII. Of Flosi and the Burners 307

CXLIX. Of Kari and Bjorn 309

CL. More of Kari and Bjorn 312

CLI. Of Kari, and Bjorn, and Thorgeir 315

CLII. Flosi goes Abroad 317

CLIII. Kari goes Abroad 318

CLIV. Gunnar Lambi's Son's Slaying 320

CLV. Of Signs and Wonders 323

CLVI. Brian's Battle 324

CLVII. The Slaying of Kol Thorstein's Son 330

CLVIII. Of Flosi and Kari 332

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