Myndstate ft. Gus Hudson - Only Way Is Up [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Myndstate ft. Gus Hudson
Album: Unorthodox Flows
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Riddle, Myndstate

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1: Myndstate]

Man is this too deep for the intro
Started with real talk, my art like van gough
Watch the fans go with the wind like fan blow
Where did the man go
Began on fruity loops like mangoes
Didn't work so i ran like django
And got hooked on the bait i fished it
Started from scratch and i itched it, rap school enlisted
Bottom is different for everyone, i guess you missed it
Try screw me over but i'm a cork that's twisted
Still spirits lifted, i don't suffer the fool
Too cool, i stayed in school
Rap for those in and out of university
Fan diversity, will i get paid in due time like bursary's
I gotta pay student loans firstly
Coz i knew this would be coming from birth
22 years on my potential unearthed, it's a gift and a curse
Honest i never took from my mum's purse
Now hear my sounds disperse

[Verse 2: Gus Hudson]

I’m a new breed of activist forgetting what the action is
Protesting in a manner that I’ll paint your picket fences with
Putting down the posters I’m a self confessing poser
And I’m filling up your timeline with some endless stressful pouting pics
Watch me smile like I’m proud of my dentist
While I tell you that you’re fine as I give you some stock tips
Clocking on some pigeons that you find on the park side and turn to lobbing rocks from the benches in hervines kid
I’m the Id for the Miss that I miss hiss in the head my eyes flicker and roll back to my neck
The martyr missing a cause, the Martin missing the doors
Death at twenty seven yet not swimming heavy in cheques at best baring blazer badges with a whale on the crest, hundred metre the test without the wings or the vest, rain pitter patter on this pain spit and splatter here for Dwayne and still no fucking interest, yes

[Verse 3: Myndstate]

So i rap like no one is listening
Diamond in the dirt but my unorthodox flows are glistening
Shows enlisting, pro's envisioning
Unload my minds load on a road i'm christening
Coz nobody knows a thing, or even who i am
Kickstart the process like i'm oil and you're the pan
In the passenger seat with stan, i saved his misses from a vulture
Don't mean to insult ya, don't wanna splutter stutter faulter
I'm a true fan of the culture, can't censor what i speak
Spring up like a leak does my future look bleek
Coz in this team sport i'm outside the clique
But it pays to separate, yourself from the rest
Differentiate, there ain't much real left and it's starting to hurt
Who says you can't rep a city when you're from the outskirts
Seeing a future when top button shirts lurk
It's bezerk, like the marshall mathers lp, can't tell me nothing
Always hearing beats i pod like a pea no bluffing
Wait and see, rap attack, grab a bat
Coz i bring my a game on the track
Up my net worth, i'll network like 3 G
The only way is up, the truth in my cup
And i'm starting to feel responsible
You say i can't do anything but anything is possible

[Verse 4: Gus Hudson]

I’m Stanley now, the schizophrenic working solely off of hand me downs
Fooled by photogenic pics on eBay as I browse pissing
Wishin' pistol whippin' was my mission put a pin a place, head to licking on Vanilla Mr Whippy
Lollipops switching to personas that I’m owning sorry stop and drop it’s over yeah it’s something really in me shadowing me omens into poems shit is really looking gripping now
I’m a freezing red sore thumb, skin is peeling off cos it was on my shoulder too long my oldest bud is Khloe’s hubby and we’re sitting down for luncheon
It’s over now. Odom’s gone and done enough, he’s thrown me out
Still he’s sniffing penicillin while his nose will pack it in snorting everything he’s given smashing crack pipes on every token of his wedding
Line to rack reminiscing of our toking bond that’s growing, pick apart the pieces of his marriage throw em splashing to the ocean while I catch the process from the window in the kitchen
Dark tinted ray bans overdosed on rose lesser Lennon more an Osbourne
Frosty frothing something from the mouth spitting sparks out cessy shouting Sharon this shit’s similar to frogspawn, ouch

Tłumaczenie piosenki

Nikt nie dodał jeszcze tłumaczenia do tej piosenki. Bądź pierwszy!
Jeśli znasz język na tyle, aby móc swobodnie przetłumaczyć ten tekst, zrób to i dołóż swoją cegiełkę do opisu tej piosenki. Po sprawdzeniu tłumaczenia przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy je jako oficjalne tłumaczenie utworu!

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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