"Weird Al" Yankovic - Stuck In A Closet With Vanna White [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: "Weird Al" Yankovic
Album: Even Worse
Gatunek: Pop

Tekst piosenki

Doctor, every night I have the strangest dreams
Doctor, listen to me, tell me what this means
First I'm goin' shoppin' in my underwear
Then all of sudden I'm floating in mid air
My lips fall off and everybody starts to stare
Donuts and hot dogs are flying everywhere
Now Doctor, wait a minute, you ain't heard nothin' yet
Next comes the part that I won't ever forget
Now I'm bein' followed by these Russian spies
They give me some Velcro and an order of fries
Suddenly I'm bowling on the Starship Enterprise
I fall down a hole and that's when I realize
I am stuck in a closet with Vanna White
I'm stuck in a closet with Vanna White
Night after, night after, night after night
All right!
Doctor, won't you tell me, am I going insane?
Was it something I ate or something wrong with my brain?
See, I'm naked in church when I meet a dinosaur
Try to run, but my feet have been nailed to the floor
Then a midget pushes me through a revolving door
And I'm back in the very same place I was before
Now I'm stuck in a closet with Vanna White
I'm stuck in a closet with Vanna White
Night after, night after, night after night
And I can't bust out and I can't break free
And it's gettin' just a little too stuffy here for me
And I can't go home and I can't get loose
And I try to escape but it's just no use
And I can't ever leave and I can't ever win
And we're runnin' outta air and the walls are closin' in
And I can't go back and I can't get through
But Vanna since you're here
Why don't you let me buy a vowel from you?
Come on Vanna, come on!
Oh, buh
Doctor, all those crazy dreams have started again
That's right, I even wake up screaming now and then
See, I'm coming home from work but I forgot my address
I'm half an hour late for my algebra test
Then some slimy alien jumps out of my chest
And I'm falling and falling and I guess you know the rest
I am stuck in a closet with Vanna White
I'm stuck in a closet with Vanna White
Night after, night after, night after night
I am stuck in a closet with Vanna White
Stuck in a closet with Vanna White
N-n-night after, night after, night, night, night
Then I'm stuck in a closet with Vanna White
I'm stuck in a closet with Vanna White
Night after, night after, night after night
I am stuck in a closet with Vanna White
I am stuck in a closet with Vanna White

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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