"Weird Al" Yankovic - Melanie [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Tekst piosenki

What can the problem be?
Sweet Melanie
Why won't you go out with me?
She lived across the street
On the fifteenth floor of the Gilmore Building
I saw her in the shower reaching for some soap
I knew she had to be the girl for me
And to think I probably never would have found her
If I hadn't bought that telescope
Oh, Melanie
What can the problem be?
Sweet Melanie
Why won't you go out with me?
I just can't understand it
Why won't you return my phone calls?
Are you still mad I gave a Mohawk to your cat?
If you'd just say the word
I'm certain that our love would last forever and ever
Or are you too dumb to realize that?
What can the problem be?
Sweet Melanie
Why won't you go out with me?
How can you ignore me when you know
That I can't live without you?
I have to go through your garbage
Just to learn more about you
Melanie, ooh
Oh, sweet Melanie
Why won't you go out with me?
You weren't impressed when I tattooed
Your name across my forehead
You wouldn't listen when I promised to be true
I couldn't stand it, so I jumped out
From the sixteenth story window right above you
Now I may be dead but I still love you
What can the problem be?
Sweet Melanie
Why won't you go out with me?
What can the problem be?
Sweet Melanie
Why won't you go out with me?
I'm singin' Melanie
What can the problem be?
Sweet, sweet Melanie
Why won't you go out with me?
I'm singin' Melanie
What can the problem be?
Sweet Melanie
Why won't you go out with me?
I'm singin' Melanie
What can the problem be?
Sweet Melanie
Why won't you go out with me?

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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