T.I. - At Ya Own Risk [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: T.I.
Album: Paperwork: The Motion Picture
Data wydania: 2014-10-21
Gatunek: Rap, R&B

Tekst piosenki

[Hook: Usher]
Don't be bullshitin' with me
I don't care if you've got a boyfriend or not, girl
It's at ya own risk if you're kicking with me
'Fore it be over you be spending the night, girl
I can see, you look like you're ready to ride
And girl obviously, it's been true, ooh you wanna give it to me

[Verse 1: T.I.]
Ridin' off in Hollywood
Kicking it with hotter bitches, all they get's a lot of wood
Give it to 'em hardcore, all they do is holla good
Her ex, he be soft strokin', I lean in it follow through it
She's so sexy, her complexion say she from Bollywood
In my section, I wonder will a thousand dollar do it
If not a fifty or a hundred, still I gotta do it
You surely would, if you were me then for sure you could
Get her and her partner out that Honda
Have 'em both fuckin' and suckin' til mañana
Heard nigga you with baby he don't want no problem
If your man ain't a killer, what the fuck I care about him
No comparison ain't nothin' rare about him
Witness saying he was just standing there and then they shot him
Trigger got no heart when that thing squeeze
Or they catch a body to make you my main squeeze, yeah


[Verse 2: T.I.]
Raff triple black, Bentley matte white
She said she don't like girls, she did that night
They were taking turns, I was taking flights
In competition man them bitches hit that pipe
Going down on it
If it ain't a bad bitch then I don't want it, ain't no mediocre
Experiment with pretty bitches, that's the shit I told her
As long as they got pretty toes and they ain't got a odor
And showed her, how to stack paper, no foldin'
Colder than eskimo shoulders, you strong with it
I don't play too, four four for the vultures
Eat pussy Lord yes is she looking gorgeous
And you're just a lot of talk
Them three got on the molly then the four of us, we got it off
And they ain't get paid like they playing college ball
Go out, receive a cock and balls, bullshit me, not at all


[Verse 3: Usher]
Quit all playing with me
I know you got a nigga he just gon' be mad at me
So if you love him, think he's special, don't come home with me
Cause when I get you to my crib you gon' belong to me
I understand if you don't wanna go
Just know what's gon' happen once we get through the door
Promising you something you ain't never seen before
Say you with me, if you down, I ain't tellin' nobody

[Outro x2: Usher]
So tell me what you gon' do
When you ready you can fall through
You can bring a friend too
Say you with me, if you down, I ain't tellin' nobody

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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