T.I. - Let Your Heart Go (Break My Soul) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: T.I.
Album: Paperwork: The Motion Picture
Data wydania: 2014-10-21
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Tricky Stewart, The-Dream

Tekst piosenki

[Hook: The-Dream]
We said we'd never be, just a memory
And even though it breaks my soul
Still I'll never let your heart go
We're running way too fast, ohh
Chasing down that blue grass, yeah
Hope I didn't break your soul
And no I'll never let your heart go

[Verse 1: T.I.]
Ay, man, remember all a nigga had
With 20 grand cash, it was all in the bag
And we got it all with the crack
Lookin for the plug in the mall with the gat
No, you never loaned me a pack
But he loaned me a ride with it all in the back
How could you just call me with that
Acting like you think you gettin all of it back
Still remember standin all alone in the trap
Waitin on a plate, lookin for a way
And damn a big car pull up on me one day
Got a homie Toomp to put some beats on tape
Huh, and it's been long since then
Damn can't believe you been gone since then
Huh, I really miss my nigga
Tramel this for you, know you up there nigga

[Hook: The-Dream]

[Bridge: The-Dream & (T.I.)]
And no I'll never let your
Your, ohh, ohh
Your, ohh, ohh, ohh
(Ay, if you miss your nigga like I miss my nigga)
(Sing, sing) Ohh, ohh, ohh
(Ay, on the inside nigga you still tough)

[Verse 2: T.I.]
Ay, remember when we were just 16
Mind on one thing, how to be street kings
Now we numb like morphine
To the gunplay everyday is a war scene
But ya'll was my nigga
No matter what I knew I could call on my nigga
And any bullshit involving my niggas
30 rounds in the clip, spray it all for my niggas
Yeah, cap, we were just teenagers
Provin to the G's in the hood we able
To ball on these haters
Doin a movie screen made ya, you and me playa
Damn, why they have to give my nigga life
We can ball like a god 'til we bring him back
Really miss you nigga ain't a motha fuckin lie
Pimp squad til we die, free my nigga cap

[Hook: The-Dream]

[Verse 3: T.I.]
Huh, I admit it I've seen
Back in the day how silly I seemed
Selling cocaine wasn't really my dream
Could get my family farther than anyone seen
Ay, and if anyone seen
Where I made it today probably really one thing
One 12 in the face, no he finna run games
Ain't gon trick me into sayin any one name
Nope, well go sit in the cell about that
For weeks I was mad in the head about that
Police sayin shit really wasn't my shit
It was his and he knew I wasn't playin bout that
Hey, for every time I'm strapped
The 12 ride by, they ain't finding my strap
Judge woulda had a nigga heart bout that
A nigga woulda sensed some bad blood by that

[Hook: The-Dream]

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Interpretacja piosenki

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