T.I. - King [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: T.I.
Album: Paperwork: The Motion Picture
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Mars of 1500 Or Nothin'

Tekst piosenki

You know, may no man, woman, child, nor animal walk a lifetime on God's green Earth and not expect to be tested. Just observe and acknowledge when the occasion is risen to by champions, you know what I'm sayin'? Let this speak for itself and handle me accordingly. When you see me nigga, it ain't no secret, you know what's happenin'. No fake, no flaw, man. Straight like that. It's the king, bitch

[Hook: Sample]
You lay it down, lay it down, you lay it down
I'm a king

[Verse 1]
Play around if you want and get hammered, leave you on your dick
I come from Atlanta, the '80s and '90s but we was as real as it gets
And that's why we still here
You best watch what you say, you could pay with your life tonight
Fuck around and get killed
As I pray to the Lord, tell him if I should die tonight
First let me put up a mil'
Inside of the hands of one of the men
Who's gonna go kill or go to the pen
If ever should blood out my body may spill
The nigga, their partner, their family, they're killed
I'm talkin' for real, you kickin' that rah-rah to me
I LOL, shit's haha to me
Nigga ever disrespect, I wave bye bye to him
Got a Maybach, it's just like a Mazda to him
Chew him up like the mouth in the teeth
Or you drop to beneath the belly of the beast
Geesh, call me the chief
The capo, capisce? Got the streets on a leash
The way that I walk it, exactly the way that I talk it
One took a hit and he rest in a coffin
Forever for all of that shit he was talkin'
You go against me, what you better do, shawty, is


[Verse 2]
Despicable me, I'm no typical G, got your bitch on her knees
When I skeet in her tree
Only came in here for what I wanted and shit that I don't
If you have it, you keep
I'm so diabolical, dick hard enough to cut molecules
You say she wifey, I say she a party girl
Type to eat bitches out when she on molly
You'll never know, which is to me that shit's obvious
She say you're pitiful, they think you're popular
That ain't gon' keep my lil' partner from poppin' yah
Take it, you droppin', you cement your bottle
So won't be no poppin' up, body's erased
No weapon, no charge, no witness, no questions
No stressin', no body, no case
Errbody okay, I will off that guy with my chopper, I throw it away
You can just buy me a cake
And most of the niggas you see standin' by me today
Were trappin' with me in the A
And down here we always three bitches, Rodeo, LA
And killers who do what we say
This could be the end of you today
My gunner run into you today
Here's what I suggest you do when they spray


Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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