T.I. - On Doe, On Phil [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: T.I.
Album: Paperwork: The Motion Picture
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

Yeah, uh huh
Fuck them niggas, fuck them niggas
Sucka ass nigga, heh, uh-huh
Slap yo nose off yo face (fuck them niggas)
Ay, look, turn it

[Verse 1: T.I.]
Look, I'm big time nigga, y'all too small to me
And I don't dig y'all niggas, so stop callin me
This ain't a peace sign bitch, it mean two to ya head
You know I'm quick to hit ya patna
In the chest with the choppa and ya boo in the leg
Still reppin A-Town nigga, Center Hill what's up?
Zone 1 Bankhead nigga, tote a gun and you better vest up
You know my nigga quick to hit a nigga chick
Quick to hit a lick, quick to run a check up
Dope boy, we the best of niggas
Raise techs up nigga, try to check us, try me
I'ma bust his head quick fast, Ricky Bobby
Ask his patna what the fuck he wanna do about it? Nada
Hustle Gang bang green, all about a dollar
Better hold her hand if you give a shit about her
When you bring her round me, all I know
I'ma get some head right before I go
Gotta problem, we can handle this shit off top
Got the thing let it pop, cool as a cough drop
100 on the watch ball and a decade in
None of my niggas fightin less the rest came in
Was a trial defendent sitting 'til the check came in
100 of them 21, run it, do it again
I ain't got no co-defendent just my family and friends
And a trunk full of chopper rifles, handles and pins
Loaded down in an old brown Buick sedan
Lookin for it on the way to Alabama again

[Hook T.I.]
On everything I love, nigga put it on something
Put it on Doe, nigga put it on something
Put it on Phil, nigga put it on something
Put it on Doe, nigga put it on something
I'll put it on Phil, nigga put it on Doe
Nigga put it on Doe, nigga put it on Phil
I'll put it on Phil, nigga put it on Doe
Nigga put it on Doe, pussy nigga I'm trill, yeah
Put it on Doe, nigga put it on Phil
I'll put it on Phil, I'll put it on Doe
I'll put it on Doe, I'll put it on Phil
Put it on Phil, put it on something
Put it on Doe, nigga put it on Phil
Nigga put it on Doe, nigga put it on Phil
Nigga put it on Doe, nigga put it on, nigga put it on Phil

[Verse 2: Trae The Truth]
King of the streets, graduated from the bottom
All red whip looking like somebody shot em
Still up in the hood with a sack and a pack
40 cal fully loaded, never leaving here without him
Real niggas exctinct, feelin like somebody got em
But I know I got to do it for the team Hustle Gang nigga
If you disrespect that, I black the 'Llac
Hop out the back, no flack and do my thing nigga
Rappin or not, just know ain't nothing changed nigga
It still a get ugly, you get up in my range nigga
Hustle Gang, Asshole, I'm the same nigga
They got that fire, ain't no way to kill the flame nigga
On God, I put it on Clip
I put it on Screw, I put it on Pat
I put it on Pimp, I put it on Hawk
Gotta do it like a G, I know they never coming back
Word to Momma C, I'm trill with it for life
If I can do it again, I come back and do it twice
I don't give a fuck about nothing to be precise
Have bullets running through a nigga crib like they was mice
Pussy nigga got me .38 like I'm a spice
You dont wanna see the truth pissed off
I'll shut a whole neighborhood down
One light, that's green, you'll know when shit kick off nigga


[Verse 3: T.I.]
Run up on a nigga what it hittin for?
Point blank, left his brain on the window
Had the chain, had a stain on my timbos
Insane in the brain, gon mental
Catch me riding round in a Range Rover rental
With some bad bitches wanna chill like a mento
Now heres a mental memento you didn't know
You can fit a bird times 12 in Sorentos (you can)
Kill go to Jacksonville
Drop it on they ass like I did't have a deal
Still in the trap, keep it real like Madea
100 rounds and they runnin ain't hard you can tell (yuh aye)
All you gotta do is see my garage and look at theirs (whoa)
Look at mine and look at theres now wait my nigga (wait my nigga)
It will be yo ass when you hate my nigga
If you go against me you against a great my nigga
Like Great White Great ape my nigga
Have ya partner like "God who done ate my nigga?"
Bring the drama to your momma
How? With 8, 9 niggas in a line
I ain't lyin, I'm a lion
I ain't even tryin, kill em everytime
On the block walk around with a little Glock 9
And the preacher Fin put it on a motherfucka mind
I ain't lyin


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Interpretacja piosenki

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