T.I. - Private Show [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: T.I.
Album: Paperwork: The Motion Picture
Data wydania: 2014-10-21
Gatunek: Rap, R&B

Tekst piosenki

[Chorus: Chris Brown]
Girl take it off for me, you know just what I want
It's always hard to leave, this private show
Let me see you, see you, let me see you take it off, off
Let me see you take it off, off, take it off, let me, let me see you take it off, take it off

[Verse 1: T.I.]
Okay, shawty let me see you take it off, toot it up, back into me, pass it to me
Imagine hanging halfway off the mattress while your ass is moving
Up and down, back and forth, so ratchet when you 'posed to be
A lady to the naked eye, but a nasty lil ho to me
If only the masses could see your ass when it's in action, I swear
Manhandle you in public places, I make you take it right here
You got no idea, listen girl with this pole right here, ow
Beat it up, be grabbing hair, leaving hand prints on your derrière
Now can you just kiss it for me while I'm doing 'bout a hundred on the highway?
Get it sloppy wet, get it bent, girl I bet you could finish before I pull up on the driveway
And this ain't no child play, this grown man B.I., girl I'll say
I got your ass in the scope, ain't gotta be close shawty, I could hit your pussy from a mile away

Girl take it off for me, you know just what I want
It's always hard to leave, this private show
Let me see you, see you, let me see you take it off, off
Let me see you take it off, off, take it off, let me, let me see you take it off, take it off

[Verse 2: T.I.]
Hey let me see you take it off, lay it down, like this my last day in town
I'm putting in work no playing around, but shawty I'm saying, now
Me let you walk away without walking funny, be talking 'bout me, I highly doubt it
So, let me take you to a private island, make you take this dick, don't cry about it
How it feel to you girl? Don't lie about it, no, shawty you ain't gotta lie about it
Blacking out in that pussy like a power outage, got a man, well he gonna be sour about it
But I just wanna be on your team, provide you with your protein
Leave wet dreams all in your face, them tattoos all over your waist
Got me rock solid, come touch that, I'm fucking you like I'm upset
Choking you, long stroking you, say you came twice, not enough yet
Because a cat that fat is very rare and my dick ought to be buried there
I love how you kick it in public, but in private, we on some wild shit

[Chorus: Chris Brown]
Girl take it off for me, you know just what I want
It's always hard to leave, this private show
Let me see you, see you, let me see you take it off, off
Let me see you take it off, off, take it off, let me, let me see you take it off, take it off

[Bridge: Chris Brown]
Made a reservation, you're my favourite place to be
All day, contemplating baby, waiting patiently
There's no body like your body when you climb on top of me
We're in hell and lady you're the closest thing to heavenly
I want you all to myself
Nothing at all, I can't help it
Cause what you got on is fly as hell, but I need a better view
Just show me the real you

[Chorus: Chris Brown]
Girl take it off for me, you know just what I want
It's always hard to leave, this private show
Let me see you, see you, let me see you take it off, off
Let me see you take it off, off, take it off, let me, let me see you take it off, take it off

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Interpretacja piosenki

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