2Pac - Heaven Ain't Hard 2 Find [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: 2Pac
Album: All Eyez on Me
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: QDIII

Tekst piosenki


Heaven ain't hard to find

[Danny Boy]
All you gotta do is look

[Verse 1]
Simply because you nervous, let me start off with my conversation
Hoping my information, alleviates the hesitiation
I can see it clearly now
Catch you smilin' through your frown
I'm askin' baby boo are you down
Although I know you've heard about my reputation
Across the nation, Mr. I-get-around
My temptation got me drippin' wet, perspiration
I'm activated by the moves you're makin'
Baby why you fakin'? Strip naked get tp love makin'
See it's all in your mind, so every time I sip a glass of wine
I fantasize til that ass is mine
Never gettin' but wantin', never touchin' but wishin'
A straight thug on a mission, until I get what I'm missin'
Stop with the beeper, baby, listen
I know you're grown but pay attention
Let me hypnotize with my tongue kissin'
This is a message to bomb bodies and all dimes
Turn around one more time, heaven ain't hard to find


[Danny Boy]

Heaven ain't hard to find

[Danny Boy]
Heaven ain't hard to find

[Verse 2]
Heaven ain't hard to find
In fact you can have it just have faith
Just like a little kid, still believin' in magic
It takes a lot of sacrifice
With all the lonely nights on tour
I need somebody I can trust in my life
Let me apply the brakes
Baby, you're movin' to fast
My conversations are gettin' deeper, but first let me ask
Are you afraid of a thug?
And have you ever made love
With candles and bubbles sipping in your tub ?
Touch me and let me activate your blood pressure
This thug passion help the average man love better
Picture me naked and glistenin' beneath the moonlight mist
Take a shot of that Alizé, come give me a kiss
And maybe we can be better friends, perhaps we'll be closer
I'll be the thug in your life, baby, and you'll be my soldier
And I know it takes some time and you got a lot of questions on your mind
But relax, in due time
Heaven ain't hard to find


[Verse 3]
You think we all dogs, that's why you cautious when I approached you
Been talkin' since you arrived, but not a word is spoken
Through my eye contact I wink and you respond back
Lookin' mean, what's all that?
It's like the closer you get
Baby, the quicker I'm speakin'
I got a flight out to Cabo
Let's kick it this weekend
I'm sipping Hennessy and Coke
Though addicted to weed smoke
I'm fiendin' for your body even mo'
Oh God, help me, identify me truest thoughts
Your hidden motives full of passion
Who would have thought?
Come holler at me baby, love me for my thug nature
Far from a playa hater, label me a money maker,
Straight heart breaker
Baby we can be friends, I can soup you in my Benz
We'll ride, I'll let you floss it for your friends
Once we begin
Until the end, it gets better with time
I'm makin' love to your mind, baby
Heaven ain't hard to find

[Hook w/ minor variations]

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Interpretacja piosenki

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