2Pac - Picture Me Rollin' [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: 2Pac
Album: All Eyez on Me, Greatest Hits
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Johnny J

Tekst piosenki

Yeah, clear enough for ya?
Why you niggas look mad?
Y'all supposed to be happy I'm free!
Y'all niggas look like y'all wanted me to stay in jail
Ho bustas!

[Verse 1: 2Pac]
Picture me rolling in my 500 Benz
I got no love for these niggas, there's no need to be friends
They got me under surveillance, that's what somebody be telling
Know there's dope being sold, but I ain't the one selling
Don't want to be another number
I gotta puff a gang of weed to keep from going under
The federales wanna see me dead
Niggas put prices on my head
Now I got two Rottweilers by my bed, I feed 'em lead
Now I'm released, how will I live?
Will God forgive me for all the dirt a nigga did, to feed kids?
One life to live, it's so hard to be positive
When niggas shooting at your crib
Mama, I'm still thuggin', the world is a war zone
My homies is inmates, and most of them dead wrong
Full grown, finally a man, just scheming on ways
To put some green inside the palms of my empty hands
Just picture me rollin'
Flossing a Benz on rims that isn't stolen
My dreams is censored, my hopes are gone
I'm like a fiend that finally sees when all the dope is gone
My nerves is wrecked, heart beating and my hands are swollen
Thinking of the G's I'll be holdin'
Picture me rollin'

[Refrain: Danny Boy]
Picture me rollin'
Picture me rollin'
Picture me, picture me rollin'
Picture me rollin'
Ooh wee

[2Pac during Refrain]
Can you see me now?
Move to the side a little bit so you can get a clear picture
Can you see it?
Picture me rollin'
Yeah nigga!
Ay, but peep how my nigga Syke do it to you
Guess who's back?

[Verse 2: Syke]
I got ki's coming from overseas
Cost a nigga 200 G's
I'm a street commando, Nino for example
This lavish lifestyle is hard to handle
So I got to floss cause I'm more like a boss player
Thug, branded to be a women-layer
So many player haters, imitators steady swanging
Make me wanna start back banging
So I'm caught up in the game, dress code changed
Packing 40 Glocks, contain em or rearrange
All that jealousy and envy coming from my enemies
While I'm sipping on Remy
In front of black Lexus, Chevy's on the roam
'96 big body, sitting on chrome
As we head up out the zone, stone-facing is on
You can admire, but don't look too long
I'm living a dream with triple beams and my pockets bulgin'
It's hard to imagine
Picture me rollin'

[Refrain: Danny Boy]
Picture me rollin'
Picture, picture me rollin'
Picture me rollin'
Picture me rollin'
Picture me

[Verse 3: CPO]
I gots to get the fuck up in it, formulate a caper
Cause a nigga straight suffering from lack of having paper
My bitch fin' to have a bastard, see?
So I needs to hit a lick, drastically
I see some ballin' ass niggas, and they slippin' in my spot
And, uh, diggin' the plots (so what?)
Checking in the park, 'Pac

We caught em sleeping, he didn't peep you niggas creeping?
This how we do it every weekend
I dump for madness, it's time to count the profit
CPO, we got the bomb spot, nigga time to clock it
I get the liquor, and you could get the females
This crooked shit that we inflicting getting street sales

Move smooth as a motherfucker, me and my 9
I'm as cool as a motherfucker, I'ma get mine
Now we satisfied, got the pockets on swollen
Boss Hog and this 'Pac nigga: picture us rollin'

[Refrain: Danny Boy](repeat 'till end)
Picture me rollin'

[Outro: 2Pac]
Is y'all ready for me?
Picture me rollin" roll call
You know there's some muh'fuckers out there
I just could not forget about
I wanna make sure they can see me
Number one on my list: Clinton Correctional Facilities
All you bitch ass C.O.'s
Can you niggas see me from there?
Ballin' on y'all punk ass!
Picture me rollin', baby
Yeah, all them niggas up in them cell blocks
I told y'all niggas when I come home it's on
That's right nigga, picture me rollin'
Oh, I forgot! The D.A
Yeah, that bitch had a lot to talk about in court
Can the ho see me from here?
Can you see me, ho?
Picture me rollin'
And all you punk police, can you see me?
Am I clear to you?
Picture me rollin' nigga, legit
Free like O.J. all day
You can't stop me
You know I got my niggas up in this motherfucker
Manute, Pain, Syke, [Bogart], Mopreme
It's sad dog, can you picture us rolling?
Can you see me ho?
Is y'all ready for me?
We up out this bitch
Any time y'all wanna see me again
Rewind this track right here, close your eyes
And picture me rollin'

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Interpretacja piosenki

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