2Pac - Skandalouz [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: 2Pac
Album: All Eyez on Me
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Daz Dillinger

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: 2Pac]
Hey Nate, you know you got the vocals on this motherfucker
We's gonna talk about these scandalous hoes
I can talk about scandalous bitches
Oh I know you can!
I know you that's why we gonna do it
Daz on the beat
Hey Daz, nigga stop fuckin around with the piano nigga
Just drop that shit like uhh, this here

[Verse 1: 2Pac]
I met you through my homie now you act like you don't know me
So disappointed cause baby that shit was so phony
It's not for me, you see no lovin from my closest homies
Woulda paid you no mind, but baby you was all up on me
While you proceed with precision, you had the table hosed
No, I ain't mad at you baby, go 'head and play them fools
They chose not to listen, so now he stuck inside his house
And can't leave without his bitch permission
The mission's to be a playa, my alias is Boss
Drop a top on these jealous niggas, playa let me floss
Y'all don't wanna see me in pain
I'll leave that ass like Toni Braxton, never breathin' again
It's scandalous, I never liked your back stabbin ass, triiick
Used to watch you money grabbin, who you baggin beeyitch?
Ready to bust, in the city you don't know who to trust
But bitches lookin scandalous

[Hook: Nate Dogg]
Scandalous.. she's so scandalous, she's so scandalous
She's so scandalous.. she's so scandalous, she's so scandalous
Scandalous.. she's so scandalous, she's so scandalous
She's so scandalous.. she's so scandalous, she's so scandalous

[Verse 2: 2Pac]
How's it hangin'? Cause baby from the back the shit is bangin'
I've been stressing in this ghetto game, trying to do my thang
Won't be no bullshit, no ass-kissin
This bitch'll have ya wakin up with all your cash missin
I'm askin, as if I'm qualified to analyze
You're lookin at a bitch who specialize in tellin lies
She got a body make a motherfucker fantasize
Her face ain't never shed a tear through them scandalous eyes
My sister precious in poverty
Plus I knew she was a freak bitch so why should it bother me?
I'd probably be sprung, addicted to the heat of her tongue
And though I don't where we're goin, she's makin me come
I've been trained as a boss playa, so what you saying?
Let me show you, got some hookers we can toss later
Before I let her get me, I got her
Went in her purse took a hundred dollars
Nigga I'm so scandalous


[Verse 3: 2Pac]
Dangerous and ambitious, while schemin on gettin riches
I'm spittin at tricks cause I'm addicted to pretty bitches
Currency motivated, not easily terminated
Now that we made it, my niggas can never be faded
This is my prophecy -- I gotta be paid
All you cowards that try to stop me is beggin for early graves
I thought we was cool, I was a fool, thinkin you could be true
When I don't fuck with your punk crew
These are the tales for my niggas doin time in the cell
I went from hell, to livin well
Busting at niggas who said my name in vain
I got no time for them tricks, I'm heavy in the game
I wanna be a baller, please
But the bitches and the liquor keep on calling me
I'm tokin' free on the highway, formulatin plans
Can't wait til I see L.A., cause it's so scandalous


[Outro: 2Pac]
Aiyyo.. how the prettiest bitch be the more scandalous the ho be
You ever peep that shit? (Nah)
A bitch can be like 15, fucking with a nigga 35
Gettin him for everything
Hoes these days is way too motherfucking intelligent
When these niggas get to tricking, hahaha, it's over then
That's aight though
Keep a nigga heavy in the game, bout so long
Watch them hoes
All you niggas out there
Beware these lying ass scandalous bitches

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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