2Pac - Ratha Be Ya Nigga [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: 2Pac
Album: All Eyez on Me, New Kidz on the Block
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Doug Rasheed

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Richie Rich, 2Pac]
[RR] Pac
[PAC] Hey
[RR] What's happening
[PAC] Not motherfucking double R, Richie Rich
[RR] What's happening baby, you know how we do it
[PAC] Yeah nigga, you know I'm up out this bitch
It's time for me to uhhh regulate
[RR] Fo' sho', hey
[PAC] Observe
[RR] and you ain't going back?
[PAC] Nah nah nah, we got to show these motherfuckers whassup though
[RR] This is for the honeys, the super ?
[PAC] I don't want to be her man, I want to be her nigga
You feel me?
[RR] Well let em know

[Verse 1]

You fucking with niggas that's insecure
Watered down, my shit is pure
Write down my number but don't call me 'til you sure
I ain't begging just trying to relocate between your legs
Dripping wet, as we experiment in sweaty sex
When you met me you wouldn't let me, and now
You straight begging to sex me got you undressing to test me and uhh..

[Richie Rich]
Shut me down if you want, and miss the chance to do it live
When I stroll by, I see that look in yo' eye
You want a nigga, but think that you can't have a nigga
Don't cheat yourself, instead treat yourself
If you scared, go to church, I know it hurts
To find out me and your man be sharing skirts

I'm hoping you don't take this the wrong way
But your body is banging, got me attracted in a strong way
After a long day of trying to make my songs pay
Making love all day against the wall in the hallway
Your fantasies come alive, your heart rate
Shall increase when we meet up in this dark place
You might think you're happy with him
But that's a lie, so give this thug a try
I'd rather be ya nigga

[Hook x2: 2Pac]
I'd rather be ya N-I-G-G-A
So we can get drunk and smoke weed all day
It don't matter if you lonely baby, you need a thug in your life
Cause busters ain't loving you right

[Verse 2]

Look, now you was sprung from the introduction
My conversation's full of game yet laced with seductions
I see you blushing like you want something, come get a taste
Of Amerikaz Most Wanted and let's get into some touching, erotic fuckin
My up and down with no interruptions
Have no intentions of busting until you learn your lesson
Now many questions are often asked, a drop top, 500 Benz
And plenty cash, to help a nigga get the ass

[Richie Rich]
You can ride out with spoke coke, to get your lobster and crab
Cause all I got is conversation and a gang of stab
And I'mma listen when it hurts, I'ma hang out but never stay
Smoke blunts but leave them stunts up to Super Dave
I'll be your nigga, as long as we can understand
That I's the nigga and spoke coke can be the man
He wine and dine, but me and you we whine and grind
And when I'm on the field keep you on the sidelines


[Verse 3]

Now it's time for the moment of truth, I got you naked
Totally sweating, let's see how hot I can make it
Tongue kissing til yo' head swang
I'm so into you, witness a nigga make the bed bang
If it's all mine, then let me know
Now scream my name out; do you want it fast or shall I hit it slow?
Not to mention, the multiple positions I inflict
A boss player, freaky motherfucker, can addict

[Richie Rich]
It's on and popping, now you see what I was seeing
Why your eyes rolling? Loosen up, girl, I ain't going
Nowhere, let's let that sucker stay out there
While he's stressed out and knock I stretch out the cock
Hold the boots, and let a nigga execute
And though you got it right, I'm going home tonight

You say you don't need a man, but I don't care
You're in the presence of a player, I'd rather be ya nigga


Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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