Elvis Presley , Nardo Wick - Product of the Ghetto [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Elvis Presley , Nardo Wick
Album: ELVIS (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Data wydania: 2022-06-24
Gatunek: Rap, Soundtrack, Remix

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Nardo Wick]
One, two, three, four
Ghetto, ghetto, ghetto

[Verse 1: Elvis Presley & Nardo Wick]
As the snow flies
On a cold and gray Chicago mornin'
A poor little baby child is born
In the ghetto (In the ghetto)
And his mama cries
'Cause if there's one thing that she don't need
It's another hungry mouth to feed
In the ghetto (Ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)
(Ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)

[Chorus: Nardo Wick]
Born in the ghetto, tryna make it out (Make it out)
I try to go, but I get stuck, it's like I'm trapped inside a tiny box
Born in the ghetto
I never asked to be born in the ghetto
I can't help it, I was born in the ghetto (I can't help it)
Yes, I was born in the ghetto (I'm a product of the ghetto)

[Verse 2: Nardo Wick]
Ghetto this, thug that, thug this, ghetto that
This ain't shit I could control, I'm a product of my habitat
Police think that I'm a menace, it's probably 'cause I keep a gat (Probably 'cause I keep a gun)
Surprised I never sprung a wrist late night shooting craps
Surprised I never got caught late night shootin' straps
Surprised I never got caught, no mask, give me that

[Chorus: Nardo Wick]
Born in the ghetto, tryna make it out (Make it out)
I try to go, but I get stuck, it's like I'm trapped inside a tiny box
Born in the ghetto
I never asked to be born in the ghetto (Never asked for this)
I can't help it, I was born in the ghetto (I can't help it)
Yes, I was born in the ghetto (I'm a product of the ghetto)

[Verse 3: Elvis Presley & Nardo Wick]
And his hunger burns
So he starts to roam the streets at night
And he learns how to steal and he learns how to fight
In the ghetto (Ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)
In the ghetto (I'm a product of the ghetto)

[Chorus: Nardo Wick & Elvis Presley]
Born in the ghetto, tryna make it out
I try to go, but I get stuck, it's like I'm trapped inside a tiny box
Born in the ghetto (Ghetto)
I never asked to be born in the ghetto (Ghetto)
I can't help it, I was born in the ghetto
Yes, I was born in the ghetto (Ghetto)
In the ghetto

[Verse 4: Nardo Wick & Elvis Presley]
Seen my mama cry, I was the reason
Her baby sellin' drugs, she couldn't believe it
Said, my first ten thousand, thought I was dreamin'
Said they was solid, it got hard, they was leavin'
You won't believe what I done did, you won't believe what I done seen
Police get behind, I run, they chase me, took one for the team
Yeah, like Bob the Builder, Handy Manny, hammer in my jeans
I was born and ain't choose the streets, the streets chose me
I was born in the ghetto, raised in the ghetto
I learned from the ghetto, all I know is the ghetto (In the ghetto)
And his mama cries (In the ghetto)
As a crowd gathers 'round an angry young man
Facedown in the street with a gun in his hand
In the ghetto

[Chorus: Nardo Wick]
Born in the ghetto, tryna make it out
I try to go, but I get stuck, it's like I'm trapped inside a tiny box
Born in the ghetto
I never asked to be born in the ghetto
I can't help it, I was born in the ghetto
In the ghetto
I'm a product of the ghetto

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Interpretacja piosenki

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